Sunday, April 27, 2008

My life has lulled into boring to blog about.

My roommate seems to have abandoned our apartment for a girl on the other side of the state, so I'm taking this opportunity to spend as much time as possible naked and cleaning. Tyler is of course doing the same. I think I am meant to live alone, or with a maid, because I have such a hard time dealing with the lack of control I have over messes. I think in all roommate relations, there is always "the messy" one, no matter how clean each party is. I happen to be the clean one right now, and it's driving me a little batty. I think when/if my roommate comes back we'll have to have a talk about this.

Finally got my tax refund. Credit card you are so paid off. :D

Tyler and I are going to see Corteo in a couple weeks. My mom has always really been into Cirque Du Soleil, and I've seen a few in Seattle, and one in Vegas. They were all fantastic, and I'm really excited about this one in May.

Keep and eye on me on twitter if you want to know what I'm up to:


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kanji Dictionaries

These have to be some of the least intuitive dictionaries on the planet, but I've been looking for an online kanji dictionary since I was in high school. The book versions cost upwards of 50 dollars, and they're really heavy. Also, I don't know anyone who wants to carry every kanji known to man in their backpack wist causing all kinds of spinal injuries. I'm poor as well, and can't afford the electronic ones.

OCJS Online Kanji Dictionary

I haven't had a chance to really sit down with either of these, but the first seems to be the most straight forward, if you can call it that. I really should have paid attention during Japanese class when we were doing this.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Computer

I got a new computer a couple weeks ago, and it's about freaking time. Poor little laptop was lame, and I was thinking about taking it out back and putting it down. That thing really pulled its weight though, and I'd have to say that the 12 inch PowerBook was a quality product.

My new computer is a 24 inch iMac, and I can't tell you how wonderful it is to double your screen space. Though this wasn't my first choice for a computer, I'm really loving it. The hard drive could be a little bigger, and I need another gig of RAM, but those are 1) my only complaints and 2) easily fixed. I haven't had a chance to really push the machine yet, as I don't have Photoshop installed, but I'm confident in this things ability. I installed World of Warcraft on it for Tyler, and the graphics look really nice.

Oh, and it has a built in camera with stupid little effects. The mirror is my favorite.

I'm quite happy, and I'd like to thank my parents for helping me with the purchase.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So since I fail at posting. Here is a link to my Twitter page.

AimeeIsDrawing @ Twitter

If micro blogging is something you're even remotely interested in, you should join and be my friend, because I feel lame only having one person I know update.


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Here is a picture of me about to eat the biggest taro chip ever.


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Caucus Part Deux

I went to the second caucus today, and It was way more organized then the first caucus, but I still wasn't much into it. After standing in line for half an hour I signed in and cast my vote for Obama. Then I sat in the high school's gym for an hour waiting for something to happen. I got a lot of hand outs and post cards from people "running" for delegate. After that hour, I got sick of sitting around, and decided to leave. At this, and most (i think) caucuses, you only have to sign in for your delegate vote to count, so I did my duty. I got out of there and took the bus home, now I'm waiting for Tyler. The process is interesting, but at this point I don't really care what happens, I just don't want McCain to win.

Couple Camera Phone Pictures:

Dog who's voting for Obama.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I fail at posting right now.

I have nothing to post about right now, and I don't even know why I'm bothering to write this. I have a post started about my tip to NY, but I can't get the pictures off my camera right now, so that gets to wait. My life is pretty boring right now. The most exciting thing is building the readymade meat cart bed, but it drops down to zero excitement with no picture. Rolling my eyes.

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