Spinning Wheel
You may have noticed that I've been spinning on a drop spindle. It's ok, and I really like making my own yarn, but it's slow and not relaxing. A spinning wheel takes care of both the slow and not relaxing because it goes as fast and you never have to stop to wind yarn on and then respin and draft and basically treat it like a drop spindle. Here's the issues with spinning wheels though, a decent one retail costs about four hundred dollars vs. a drop spindle that costs forty. So the choice is obvious if you're cheap/broke/saving for a vacation to Japan like me. This is where Craigslist.org comes in. You can literally find anything on Craigs List, so a spinning wheel should be no problem, and it wasn't. The problem was the people. Seriously guys, craigslist is like humanity on crack without any of the good parts. After a couple failed attempts at buying a used wheel I landed with this little guy!

It's in decent shape, and may date back to the 70s. I still need to spruce it up a little but as things stand it works well enough to spin, and boy have I been spinning. If I was doing the other kind of spinning I would have lost 20lbs and developed a huge muscular butt! The yarn has turned out ok so far, and I'll have pictures after it's done drying.
Here is my next project, it's for a spin along on Ravelry:

That's half a pound of super wash merino from Crown Mountain Farms. I spun a little of it and am pretty happy with the results.
If you can't tell, I'm obsessed with yarn.

It's in decent shape, and may date back to the 70s. I still need to spruce it up a little but as things stand it works well enough to spin, and boy have I been spinning. If I was doing the other kind of spinning I would have lost 20lbs and developed a huge muscular butt! The yarn has turned out ok so far, and I'll have pictures after it's done drying.
Here is my next project, it's for a spin along on Ravelry:

That's half a pound of super wash merino from Crown Mountain Farms. I spun a little of it and am pretty happy with the results.
If you can't tell, I'm obsessed with yarn.
Labels: spinning
Oooh candy corn roving! I want to see it when you spin it up!
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