Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I have so much to blog about, but I'm too out of it to do that now.

(anno is Japanses for umm... kinda)


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Put a Little Huck in Your Heart, or Some Guy With Too Much Time

Holy crap! This is too ridiculous to be true, and yet... it is. XD


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Aimee the Grouch

So I haven't been blogging much because I've been a huge grouch since getting sick. For the last week I've been either incapacitated by phlegm or fighting off the urge to attack someone. Now that I'm feeling better, I'm still fighting urges. I can't talk about it on a public blog, but dear readers, you can assume it's the usual BS that happens when people are locked in the same building for 8 hours a day.

I've been experimenting with makeup a little bit recently. When I was younger, I didn't wear makeup because I didn't see the point, then my skin got all gross and oily and makeup just seemed like a way to aggravate that. My skin really hasn't calmed down much, but I'm learning to cope with it, and eye shadow doesn't normally give you pimples. So that's fun.

My life is boring...

Edit: 2 things!

1) Lunar eclipse was awesome, I only wish I didn't live in the middle of the city so I could have seen it better.
2) Everyone at my work is white, and they're not very sensitive to the Asian in the room. A couple days ago one of my coworkers called me my sisters name, it was weird because Miya worked their for a couple weeks, but didn't really talk to anyone. I laughed and told her that's what my mom does, but another person in the room was like "WTF? Aimee's worked here way longer then Miya ever did." So my coworker explains that her sister in-law/aunt/some kind of relative is both Asian and named Misa. I really couldn't believe it, what kind of rock do you have to live under to associate your one Asian relative with your one Asian coworker. This kind of thing makes me ill, I was too shocked to say anything, but I should probably start calling her the names of all the middle aged white women I know and see how she likes it. I (and Misa) have both been reduced to our race (HALF MY RACE!) and if that isn't racist I don't know what is. Seriously guys... WHAT THE FUCK?! I've been spending a lot of time flipping through Japanese fashion magazines in the last month, and I know for a fact that if you put me in a line up of Asians, I'd stick out like a soar thumb. Of course white people are too wrapped up in their superiority to notice the fact that I actually do have some of my dad's genes, some of THEIR GENES. Ignorance is not an excuse anymore, we live in 2008, in a city full of different races. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Oh boo hoo my life sucks so much.

This cold is a major drag. I stayed home sick on Wednesday, and that has to be the sickest I've been in months, I'm basing this mostly on the fact I was too exhausted to use the internet. Now I'm just congested and a little disoriented, which makes work all kinds of fun. Speaking of work, people need to grow the fuck up, myself included. I'm really sick of all this petty BS and I really hope it's only getting to me because I'm sick. Grrr mother fucker, GRRRRR!

I remember being really distraught in middle school about how people acted and how I couldn't do anything about it. My mom, being the picture of compassion she is, told me to get used to it because people are going to be that way the rest of your life. She was right, and I'm not used to it. It feel like crap when someone you work with treats you badly, and I'm sure it will keep feeling this way. This whole being treated badly thing caught be a bit of guard, but now I guess, I'll be ready and expecting the behavior.

It's the weekend and I'm going to eat burgers and get fat! :D


Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Nothing better then randomly getting sit. Yuck.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Audrey Kawasaki

I know this is going to sound super bitter, but I am over Audrey Kawasaki. I used to really like her work because it was esthetically pleasing and I guess the imagery was something that I felt some attachment to. Conceptually, her works never done anything for me, but when I first started seeing it that was ok. Kawasaki had a solo show opening over the weekend at Copro Nason Gallery in Santa Monica and pretty much every art blog I read creamed their pants over it. Here's the list of evidence: Boing Boing, Cool Hunting, Right Some Good, and There's also an announcement and after opening post on Kawasaki's blog, but that can't be held against her or as a part of the collective cream. I think Kristen Anderson says it best (on Right Some Good), "More of the same of her slightly sinister, enigmatic girls, but so incredibly well done." Yes, Kawasaki is a great painter, but I'm sick of conceptually dead, pretty pictures. In the grand scheme of things, my opinion doesn't really matter, but some times you just have to bitch.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

WTF is a Caucus Anyway?

I went to the Caucus on Saturday, and it was a zoo. This story starts a few weeks ago though, when a freshly printed voter registration card arrived at my parents house. I never told the government that I moved to Olympia, so moving back was no issue, however, they got wind of my move away from my parents in some way that is not known to me or anyone I've asked. I thought that I could just stay registered at my parents address till the moment hit when I realized that I was finally broken free of that whole deal, but some how the county got one up on me. So the card that was mailed to my parents address has my new address on it (umm what?) and I got to scamper around the web trying to figure out where the hell my caucus was supposed to be.

Anyway, found it, got dropped off, wandered around looking for the actual room for a while, and found one woman sitting with a sign for my precinct. She was not the PCO, but apparently we don't have a PCO, so she was sitting in. She had no idea what she was doing or where her glasses where. Eight more people tricked in, the last being a woman who did not trust the stand in PCO because she was wearing a Hillary Clinton sticker. I chatted with the people for a while about the neighborhood and then we got down to business. When it was all said and done our three delegates where divided 2 Obama 1 Clinton and I ended up being a delegate for Obama because no one else would.

Here's something weird that happened: One of the people I talked to before the caucusing happened was an older man with gray hair, glasses, a frumpy sweat shirt, and a quiet demeanor. He asked me and another young couple about the building I live in which was also the building they used to live in. He seemed extremely interested in our experiences with the neighborhood and what the building had to offer. He also mentioned the remaining condos being a good deal, and being familiar with the building. All the middle aged people I know talk a lot about housing prices and deals and all that jazz, and I thought being familiar with the building meant being a contractor or plumber or something. I live in a pretty large structure, and the ways you could be familiar with it are many. However, after the caucus was done with and I was leaving, he called me over and admitted to living on the floor above me. That was a little weird, it's not that I think he was dangerous, but it was creepy and I'm not sure how I feel about him knowing my name and apartment number. People are weird.

Overall the caucus was a positive experience, but I think it's true that most caucuses are filled with middle class educated people. The whole system is not very accessible to people who don't speak english or have mobility issues.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Whole Lot of Nothing

Here I am promising to make updates with scans of my sketchbook, and then I get the damn thing back, and sit on it forever, and I didn't even realize there was NOTHING in it worth scanning. Yuck.

Here you go anyway.

The words in this are: 1)Pizza and a Movie 2)Cold and a Movie 3)Falling asleep and a Movie 4)drool. True story, that one.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday...

... stresses me out.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Alex Reed Thompson

So I'm spending way, WAY too much time on YouTube these days and this is my current favorite video. This guy is too cute, and doesn't normally do the drag thing, hence why this is funny, blah blah blah, keep explaining the obvious Aimee...


Friday, February 1, 2008

More Work Doodles

I still don't have my sketch book, so here's another page of random doodles. I've never been fond of gridded paper, but I'm really digging these Hemlock (litho printer we work with) pads. Also, if anyone is having problems viewing images, let me know.
