Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Aimee the Grouch

So I haven't been blogging much because I've been a huge grouch since getting sick. For the last week I've been either incapacitated by phlegm or fighting off the urge to attack someone. Now that I'm feeling better, I'm still fighting urges. I can't talk about it on a public blog, but dear readers, you can assume it's the usual BS that happens when people are locked in the same building for 8 hours a day.

I've been experimenting with makeup a little bit recently. When I was younger, I didn't wear makeup because I didn't see the point, then my skin got all gross and oily and makeup just seemed like a way to aggravate that. My skin really hasn't calmed down much, but I'm learning to cope with it, and eye shadow doesn't normally give you pimples. So that's fun.

My life is boring...

Edit: 2 things!

1) Lunar eclipse was awesome, I only wish I didn't live in the middle of the city so I could have seen it better.
2) Everyone at my work is white, and they're not very sensitive to the Asian in the room. A couple days ago one of my coworkers called me my sisters name, it was weird because Miya worked their for a couple weeks, but didn't really talk to anyone. I laughed and told her that's what my mom does, but another person in the room was like "WTF? Aimee's worked here way longer then Miya ever did." So my coworker explains that her sister in-law/aunt/some kind of relative is both Asian and named Misa. I really couldn't believe it, what kind of rock do you have to live under to associate your one Asian relative with your one Asian coworker. This kind of thing makes me ill, I was too shocked to say anything, but I should probably start calling her the names of all the middle aged white women I know and see how she likes it. I (and Misa) have both been reduced to our race (HALF MY RACE!) and if that isn't racist I don't know what is. Seriously guys... WHAT THE FUCK?! I've been spending a lot of time flipping through Japanese fashion magazines in the last month, and I know for a fact that if you put me in a line up of Asians, I'd stick out like a soar thumb. Of course white people are too wrapped up in their superiority to notice the fact that I actually do have some of my dad's genes, some of THEIR GENES. Ignorance is not an excuse anymore, we live in 2008, in a city full of different races. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!

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