Friday, February 15, 2008

Oh boo hoo my life sucks so much.

This cold is a major drag. I stayed home sick on Wednesday, and that has to be the sickest I've been in months, I'm basing this mostly on the fact I was too exhausted to use the internet. Now I'm just congested and a little disoriented, which makes work all kinds of fun. Speaking of work, people need to grow the fuck up, myself included. I'm really sick of all this petty BS and I really hope it's only getting to me because I'm sick. Grrr mother fucker, GRRRRR!

I remember being really distraught in middle school about how people acted and how I couldn't do anything about it. My mom, being the picture of compassion she is, told me to get used to it because people are going to be that way the rest of your life. She was right, and I'm not used to it. It feel like crap when someone you work with treats you badly, and I'm sure it will keep feeling this way. This whole being treated badly thing caught be a bit of guard, but now I guess, I'll be ready and expecting the behavior.

It's the weekend and I'm going to eat burgers and get fat! :D



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