Iron Man > Speed Racer > Mediocre

Image taken from Yahoo Movies
Mmmk. Hung out with my friend Chris for lunch and a movie. We went to Boom Noodle, which wasn't that great, but hat a hot bar tender, and then we went to see Speed Racer. I've never been attached to the Speed Racer cartoon, probably since it was a little before my time, but I know the characters and basic idea. I went into this movie thinking it was going to be terrible because let's face it, there's not a whole lot behind Speed Racer. The first half of the movie was heavy on the plot, and the acting wasn't that engaging so I got a little bored. BUT, the highlight of this movie is all the crazy CG, Mario Kart, acid trip race car driving. The last half of the movie is all crazy driving, and more dramatic plot, and much more fun. So I'd say the movie redeemed it's self. Also, I wouldn't recommend waiting to rent this, the whole point is seeing all the colors and bright lights huge.
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