Monday, May 5, 2008

Iron Man Review

Saturday night Tyler and I had some friends over for dinner at his house, after eating, and some geeking out (I'm really good at Meta-Knight!) we went and saw Iron Man. I had pretty low expectations since I've never really "gotten" Iron Man, and this is also a good time to point out that I know very little about the comics, so I'm really only looking at the movie as a movie. I loved it! The casting was excellent, the acting was good enough for me not to consider it an issue (that might mean amazing, but I don't know anything about acting either), and visuals were great. It's good to see that Robert Downey Jr. is no longer cracked out, and he's actually looking quite hot. I'm not going to summarize anything, because if you're at all interested in the plot of this movie, you should just go see it.

My only complaint, and it's something that applies to all action movies, is how black and white everything was. Tony Stark goes from being evil to being good, and he kills the bad guys, and there is no question as to weather or not they're bad. The US military gets a lot of screen time, and is obviously on the good side, while crazy Arabs in caves are on the bad side. This movie did nothing to help people get over the Arab terrorist stereo type. However, it's an action movie, that's supposed to make money, and let's face it, being super PC takes up a lot of time you could be blowing shit up. (and I hate myself for typing that.) I'm hoping in the sequels there's some good vs. evil struggles.

I'm sure could gush about this movie even more, but my bus will be here soon and I still need to pack up.



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