Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I'll post something of substance eventually. Right now though, I'm thinking I should make a new tag called hair because I can't seem to shut up about it.

My bangs are too short, duh, that's what was said in the last post. However, they're not as ugly as I though now that I've washed them, and slept on them, and let them calm down. I still don't think this was a good idea, but the point is, I've come to terms with my mistakes, and now feel much better about this whole thing. Note to self: Youtube videos are not worth it.

Does winter make anyone else act like a hermit? I've been locking myself in my room, and refusing to go anywhere but work and the gym (which is on the way home). I've been talking to the same five people, and anyone outside that group seems to be shunned. Normally I'm all wigged out about not seeing Tyler as much as freaking possible, but today I barely noticed we didn't phone. My social skills seem to by hibernating and I really hope this doesn't keep up because all I do is laugh at peoples problems (accidently! I'm not being intentionally mean) and knit till my fingers fall off. Oh crap, I'm totally an old lady.

I had my first cheese steak yesterday night. It tasted ok, but the idea of eating another one is really grossing me out. They're way to greasy for me to eat more then once a month I think.



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