Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Power Outage

The power for my entire block went out last night at around nine. It was super erie because first there was a pop down the street, then the lights went out, then a bright flash on the telephone pole outside my building, and then everything was quiet (minus the freeway). The moon was full, and I could clearly see the people in my building walking out on their balconies and leaning out their windows. Cars continued to pass in the dark, and all around us you could see the lights still on in buildings a few blocks away. Eventually the fire department showed up and stood around staring at the telephone poles, but the lights didn't come back on till five this morning.

Every since I've moved here all kinds of crazy stuff has happened: My neighbor's door was kicked in, and TV stolen, the range hood in the restaurant below the condos here caught on fire, which called five fire trucks and five fire SUVs, and last night with the power. I'm not sure if I'm happy with all this excitement, on one level I'm happy life is happening, but on another, I like quiet and I don't like danger.

I think I'm living in the wrong neighborhood sometimes. This part of Seattle has a lot of low income housing, shelters, and services for people who need them. I don't think I'm being classiest by recognizing that some of these people are not well, and could be dangerous. Being a woman and alone in the dark here is disconcerting; a person could just be walking behind you on their break from washing dishes, but they could also be a mugger or a rapist. I'm not enjoying this uncertainty. :(

On a happier note, Kinokuniya was having a magazine sale, I took an excellent bath and sewed a case for my makeup brushes.



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