First Ball of Yarn
You still wouldn't know that I have a super awesome camera judging from this picture, but look, it's my first ball of hand spun yarn.

The actual process wasn't too hard, and plying was really easy. I used a top whorl drop spindle and merino roving. I think I could have pre-drafted the wool more, and I would have gotten a more even yarn.
Now I'm spinning some wool that has shorter fibers and drafts out much easier. I also flipped my spindle over so the whorl is on the bottom, it seems to spin more stable. Yeah, I'm probably boring the hell out of you people with all these yarn posts. Too bad this is the most exciting thing I have going on.
Finally I'm almost done with a pair of fingerless gloves for Tyler, they are made out of baby alpaca and feel like love.

The actual process wasn't too hard, and plying was really easy. I used a top whorl drop spindle and merino roving. I think I could have pre-drafted the wool more, and I would have gotten a more even yarn.
Now I'm spinning some wool that has shorter fibers and drafts out much easier. I also flipped my spindle over so the whorl is on the bottom, it seems to spin more stable. Yeah, I'm probably boring the hell out of you people with all these yarn posts. Too bad this is the most exciting thing I have going on.
Finally I'm almost done with a pair of fingerless gloves for Tyler, they are made out of baby alpaca and feel like love.
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