Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sentimental 1s and 0s

Lifehacker brought up the fact that social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook don't allow you to backup. This is probably where I fail as a social networker, but I put very little weight on things that exist on Facebook. Now suppose the site(s) go down and all the photos and notes, and blogs and whatever are lost forever, for me, it's not like the party never happened. I still have my own memories of these events, which usually have better composition and color then Facebook photos.

Maybe I think this whole thing is melodramatic because I've lost sentimental things on the internet, and even though I was disappointed, my life wasn't ruined and I still had my happy memories. I met a boy off the internet, and after emailing and IMing, we met in person and dated for a few months. This was in high school, and last year I tried to find those emails, but they were deleted with all my other really old mail. I also lost an web page that had photos of all the boys I've had crushes on, the actual website could be resurrected, but I never saved the photos. That was more upsetting then losing the emails and I'm not sure why. Most of the photos were stolen from Myspace pages and couldn’t be found again.
If something is really important, you should save it, but if you're worried about losing pictures of your drunk friends, you have the wrong priorities. Not only do your drunk friends have the photos saved on their computer/camera, they will continue to have drunk parties to create more fun photos at. I'm mostly disgusted that Lifehacker expected me to be worried about all the crap on the internet that could go up in flames. I think the only thing I'd be upset about losing are journal entries, and I've even let go of hundreds of those.



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