I've spent the last three days trying to solve a puzzle that Tyler had gotten for Christmas a million years ago. The basic principle is simple: arange the pieces into a pyramid on the little board thing the puzzle comes in. The other four puzzle styles in this toy were easy, but the final pyramid with all the pieces really hurt my brain. It was driving me up the wall that I couldn't figure it out, and I had been working on it so much that when I closed my eyes all I could see were multi colored circles. But now?! Now it's done! I did it today after eating Pho with my Dad and Sister. Life is great.

In other news, I was messing around with the lolcat maker at icanhascheezburger.com. This is probably the one that makes the most sense, and it's also my favorite.

When a woman I worked with told me about how her 11 year old daughter loves lolcats, a little piece of me died. It's like when your mom gets myspace, or when The Queen gets a youtube channel; the internet isn't that confusing, but there's plenty of stuff that "normal" people don't see, and then it goes main stream, and a little piece of you dies. Being the love of 11 year olds aside, lolcats are past their prime. Most of the pictures either revolve around inside jokes (buckets and monorails and invisible nouns) or are not stupid enough to be funny (and some people would argue that they were never funny). Oh well, all things come to an end, but I'll always love the onomatopoeia "Nom nom nom".

In other news, I was messing around with the lolcat maker at icanhascheezburger.com. This is probably the one that makes the most sense, and it's also my favorite.

When a woman I worked with told me about how her 11 year old daughter loves lolcats, a little piece of me died. It's like when your mom gets myspace, or when The Queen gets a youtube channel; the internet isn't that confusing, but there's plenty of stuff that "normal" people don't see, and then it goes main stream, and a little piece of you dies. Being the love of 11 year olds aside, lolcats are past their prime. Most of the pictures either revolve around inside jokes (buckets and monorails and invisible nouns) or are not stupid enough to be funny (and some people would argue that they were never funny). Oh well, all things come to an end, but I'll always love the onomatopoeia "Nom nom nom".
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